Again, watch the natural world around you. From the orientation of being fully STOPPED, nature (and therefore you) constantly receives information. To be SSTOPPED can be understood as a way of ASKING for input, for guidance.
From right here in full STOP, ACTION proceeds in complete integrety with each being’s true nature.
Full Ecology assumes ACTION.
We observe that, even it full STOP – in full presence – the natural world is in movement.
We too, by waking each day and moving through the world, ACT as part of it.
So do trees, and grizzly bears, mountains and goldfish.
Many of us are acutely aware of immediate needs for action – not just any action, but what the Buddhist traditions call right action.
How do we humans actively contribute to the wellbeing of ourselves and all our relations – to the natural world?
True to the bedrock wisdom of saints, sages and scientists of all times and traditions – truer still to the natural world in its constancy, we may place all our attention and hearts in devotion to who we really are.
Our True Nature.
Right ACTION cannot be held in any formula or determination of forethought or planning.
Instead it arises from the lifelong way of being – still, dynamic, responsive, ever deepening – like the natural world around us.
Here we are STOPPED, ASKING by receiving information, and honoring the right ACTION that comes forward .
Sustaining the process is a matter of attention.
Sign up for our email list and receive your free download of Restoration—a list of eight simple actions that will guide you in incorporating basic principles of Full Ecology into your day-to-day life.
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Community in the Time of COVID – Meet us May 5 in the LiveStream
Community - in the fullest sense: a place and all its creatures - is the smallest unit of health. - Wendell Berry Here, in the middle of the making-it-up-as-we-go-along, there are as many versions of improvisation as there are people. Nonetheless, something...
Redemption in Uncertainty
Right now, we’re in Passover. Today is Easter Sunday. And Hajj, which should have just come to a close, has been delayed to late July. Here, sheltered in place, staying away from community, wary about illness and livelihood, uncertainty is as close as skin. But isn’t...
Full Ecology Update #1 – Video Blog
FIRST: Thanks to all of you for taking care - of yourselves and of each other. Thanks for going on walks at a safe distance from anyone else who's walking. Thanks for staying home, mostly, and for being careful and thoughtful when it's time for a trip to the store....
Notes from the Chiricahua Desert
3/15/2020 – Tucson, AZ Imagine a roundabout. You know, those increasingly prolific traffic management schemes that involve driving counterclockwise in a circle to proceed in any direction. Over this past week, thanks to Orion Magazine and the Omega Institute, we were...
The Virus
We’re getting ready to head into the deep wilderness of southeastern Arizona – a week at the American Museum of Natural History reasarch station. A week of teaching with "Orion in the Wilderness" – Orion Magazine, that is. Gary is on for working with a group of...
Video Update from the Rio Grande Valley
3/6/2020 – Las Cruces, NM On we go, listening and learning from the people. All along the way, no matter what, the land never stops teaching. Deep roots are recommended. Water. Breathing room. We took a short break from the road yesterday just as we came into another...
New Mexico into Texas
2/19/2020 – Las Vegas, NM We loved finding the Travelers Café on the square of Las Vegas, New Mexico. The manager, for example. We didn’t get her name, but we did watch the precision of interaction among everyone on duty while we were there. Flawless. The manager said...
First Days on the Road
We're safe in a coffee shop in Pueblo. Made it onto the highway after the snow and ice in Colorado Springs last night. Only rain falling now. True to form, it's all improv on this trip. A lot like nature. Along the way, we're listening. Here's some of what we've...
Conversations from the Climate Highway
We're on our way! Packing up Pearl the van and heading out to listen to what you have to say about climate and community. We'll start in Sheridan, Wyoming and then head to the Denver area. From there we'll make our way to Texas with stops in Dallas, Denton, Austin,...
By now – two weeks and counting into the new year, we’re already finding ourselves at the, Can I really follow through on what I resolved? part of the program. The turning of a year can’t help but bring up possibilities for revision, for improvement. Those ideas often...
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Although our Keynotes & Workshops are carefully tailored for the needs of each specific organization, their heart is always geared towards combating the damage done by our separation from nature. Their end goal is always tangible, sustainable change, whether personally, relationally, or organizationally. The EIGHT INSTRUCTIONS—the core principles of Full Ecology—serve as the connective thread interlacing all our workshops, presentations and keynotes. Below are several examples of past keynotes the illustrate the dynamic range of topics and struggles our work addresses.