

You can see by this website that we offer programs from online courses to keynotes, workshops, retreats and consultations. Each is specifically designed to reflect back to you who you are and what you have. Each is dedicated to inspiring you to reclaim your human nature by recognizing your birthright as a being of the natural world. This is more than a feel-good experience. It’s both absolutely practical and urgently relevant. To your wellbeing, to the wellbeing of your loved ones and community, and to the wellbeing of our planet.


The only way we know we’ve succeeded is through you. We’re only as inspiring as you are.

This is not to put pressure. In fact, that would be in direct contradiction to the 8 INSTRUCTIONS. It would be the opposite of Full Ecology. Likely you underestimate the inspiration you are for people who cross your path. As you consider your own Full Ecology, as you pay attention within and without, your natural action in the world will follow. You, by nature, already live in concert with many of the 8 INSTRUCTIONS. By nature, you are built to inspire as much as the eagle on the wing, or the sprout breaking through its topsoil.

But, don’t believe us. Check it out for yourself.

The Light Still Shining

The Light Still Shining

Today marks the winter solstice. From this time of deep darkness our attention is naturally drawn to the glittering guidance of whatever scattered light there is. All the while beneath ground, teeming activity is underway to fortify and prepare root systems of giant...

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Gratitude for what Sustains

Gratitude for what Sustains

Maybe you’re gathering with family this weekend. Maybe with friends. And maybe you’re spending the time alone. Whatever the case, there’s little denying the tensions surrounding Thanksgiving in 2019. In these days of public discord, usual glitches in the ways we are...

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Thinking Nature

Thinking Nature

NOTE: Gary's book The Eight Master Lessons of Nature is out as of October 22 - in the US with Dutton, and in Dutch translation with Ten Have. We just returned from the Netherlands for a rich round of interviews and for team Full Ecology to take the stage again - this...

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The Ecology of Poetry

The Ecology of Poetry

This is our friend, Janice Gould. She died with pancreatic cancer on June 28 of this year. She'd turned 70 on April 1. Too soon gone, and no less pure a blessing to the people and other beings who knew her. Janice lived Full Ecology. She walked the curve of this...

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One of the things that seems especially characteristic of people is our capacity for self-reflection. It's a byproduct of being able to think. We can participate in our lives and observe ourselves and our circumstances at the same time. It's a super handy skill. When...

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Benevolent Disinterest

Benevolent Disinterest

There is a guiding principle from ancient Hinduism – neti neti – not this, not that. We’ve really grown fond of this ancient method of inquiry. Like Hindu sages have suggested for thousands of years, it can be a reliable prompt for freeing ourselves from traps of the...

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Leaning on What We Know – Loving What we Don’t

Leaning on What We Know – Loving What we Don’t

What can you tell from a hydrangea in full bloom? Maybe something about beauty - something about reliability in the big middle of uncertainty. Maybe something about hanging in there - about stepping out of the way of your own magnificence. Since, there it is, whether...

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Why Intensive Retreats?

Why Intensive Retreats?

If you're on our mailing list, you've been seeing initial word of two retreats we're pulling together. One in mid September in Yellowstone country - a weekend. And another a full week in Guanajuato, Mexico next February. But why retreats? And this...

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Wilderness Rangers – Stewards of Our Public Lands

Wilderness Rangers – Stewards of Our Public Lands

In 1905, management of U.S. forest reserves was transferred from the General Land Office of the Interior Department to the Bureau of Forestry, and thereafter named the United States Forest Service. Some of the most beautiful and precious of these lands are tended by...

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